How to proceed
- It is necessary to see the document to be notarised. If possible forward it by e-mail before any meeting so that any special requirements can be considered. An electronic copy also makes it easier to make any necessary amendments.
- It is essential that any execution/signature of document takes place in my presence so please do not sign, or have it witnessed, before I see it.
- Please forward also any instructions from a foreign lawyer as to any special procedure or ink colour there may be.
- In order to comply with identification requirements imposed on all Notaries by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (and subsequent anti-money laundering laws) it will be necessary to see documentation verifying your identification which may include your:
- passport or photo driving licence or
- birth certificate AND
- utility bill or bank statement showing the fixed abode of the person who will appear before me
and in the case of companies
- a copy of the Constitution (previously called the Memorandum and Articles of Association) of the company AND
- the Certificate of Incorporation
If there is a difficulty relating to this issue we can discuss it further when we meet. - Where there are fees to be paid out on your behalf to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, or to a foreign embassy, you may be asked to provide funds in advance, and any sum paid will be accounted for fully at the end of the transaction.